School began August 13 this year. Dylan was super-excited to begin Kindergarten!
Here is the big boy getting ready to walk to school.
We walked Dylan to his classroom, he gave us a hug and kiss and then walked right on in. I was so proud of him but a bit sad at the same time. I cannot believe he is such a big boy already!
Here is Colin after we dropped Dylan off at school. It seems he was not quite sure about how he felt seeing Dylan go off to kindergarten.
Here are Dylan and I when I went to pick him up. He wanted a picture in front of the school sign...Rosa Parks Elementary School.
The next day, Colin had his first day of school at Gan Shalom. He was all ready to go!
And here he is after his first day! Looks like they wore him out! (I am not quite sure why the picture would not turn the other way).