Wednesday, August 23, 2006

But they really do love each other!

Friday, August 18, 2006

And so it Begins: A Story about Brotherly Love

Oh Colin, you are my brother and I love you.

Wait a minute....I have a GREAT idea!

Let me see here......

Just hold it right there Colin.....

Ta Da!!!! Wait something is missing....

There we go....perfect!

Thursday, August 10, 2006

After a long deliberation, we have finally dcided to make the move to Lexington, Kentucky. They made us an offer we couldn't refuse. So, once again, we have to sell our house, buy a new one, pack up and move. Thank you everyone for your support during this time of uncertainty.

Colin is happy about the move. Look at his two teeth! The two top ones are on their way in as well!

Colin and his age-matched friend, Neil!

Monday, August 07, 2006

SUPER BABY! Colin somehow got his bib backwards.

We went to visit Mom in Pittsburgh for the weekend. Dylan and Colin enjoyed hanging out in the bed together..wonder how long it will last?

Thursday, August 03, 2006


After many plane trips, we got a chance to relax at home.

The boys decided to check out their cowboy sides.

Just in case we have to move to KY!

Dylan the construction man!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Phew! I am far behind! After our Kentucky trip, Jonny had a conference to go to so I hung out with Arati, Thomas and Neil. Neil and Colin are only 2 weeks apart! I think Colin had a bit of hair envy cause Neil has a great head of hair!

Once Jonny got home from his conference, we had a few days before we got back on a plane and went to Wisconsin for Jonny's next interview. Dylan was funny because on one of the trips, he insisted on sitting in the single seat by himself. He was drawing and telling us about everythiing he saw out the window and then, all of a sudden, it got really quiet. We looked over and there he asleep! I have to say, Milwaukee was really reminded me of Pittsburgh with all the big yards and trees. Medical College of Wisconsin just happened to have a special employees night at the zoo so we got to tour the Milwaukee Zoo for free and without the crowds. I also got to meet up with some more "imaginary friends" in Chicago on a day trip we took. (Will post those pics later)

OK, more entries to come soon!