Monday, June 30, 2008

JUNE 2008

Is it really a new post???? Can it be true? We had a fun filled are some highlights from June!

Fun at the KY Horse Park. The boys enjoyed a pony ride...

...and then a ride on Daddy! Boy is he strong!

The boys and I headed down to Arkansas with Hillary, Aaron and Wilson to visit our fellow Brrr Mama, Amy! We had a great time...although it was too always!
Here are the 3 brrr babies, Jack, Aaron and Colin (no longer babies anymore are they?)

Dylan enjoyed playing big brother to all the kids!

Everyone loved hearing stories from Ms Amy!

Slip N Slide....a story in pictures.

Guess who decided it was finally time to sleep in his big boy bed? YAY Colin!

A Father's Day spent building things. We went to Lowe's for the boys to build a tape measure. Dylan followed all the rules and kept his goggles on.

Colin's goggles barely made it for 1 min....he preferred to play it dangerously.

The finished products!

The Father's Day Tradition. When Dylan was born, I made a shirt for Jonny with a picture of him and Dylan for his first Father's Day. As a joke, we put Dylan in it and now it has become a tradition. Every year the boys try on their t-shirt. I cannot believe how much they have grown!


Brenda said...


Looks like a wonderfully, perfect summer!

KariAnnS said...

I hope you have that photo of Jonny with the boys on his shoulders in a frame because it is perfect!!

Raoul and Penny said...

Alex thinks the pictures are beautiful. He like it that you posted them. He really likes them. "You guys are sweet!"
He also wants to know when we can come over to play?

Raoul and Penny said...

i cannot BELIEVE how big colin is gettin! amazing! lov epenny

Raoul and Penny said...

where are photos of my girlfriend carrie????

BMNG said...

These pictures are so sweet. It seems like Colin is going to be really tall! We love and miss you guys so much. xoxo, BMNL