February was a busy month! First of all, who is this handsome boy with all the missing teeth? I cannot believe how fast Dylan is growing up! (With Colin admiring him every step of the way!)
Speaking of growing up, look who is trying to walk already!!! Craziness!
Bobba and Zaida came out in February for Dylan's 7th Birthday! We had his party at Bounce U and everyone enjoyed themselves playing! Jonny and Colin look like they are intensely plotting their impending descent on the slide.
I wonder if this was their intended outcome! :) Looks like they had fun...although I am not sure if Owen really grasped the concept of the slide.
Dylan and his X-Men birthday cake! He LOVES superheroes!
"Ohhh...what did you get Dylan?" They have their moments but, all in all, they are very loving brothers! And they can be so cute together!
We had a few snow days while Bobba and Zaida were here so Zaida and I took Dylan and Colin sledding. We had a lot of fun until Dylan and Colin decided to gang up on me in a snowball fight!
Every year our church has a fundraiser auction. This year the theme was "The Red Carpet" so we all dressed up and went. Well, we were all supposed to go with Bobba but, at the last minute, Colin and Owen got fevers so Bobba agreed to watch them while Jonny, Dylan and I went out. It was a really fun night!
Also in February, Dylan took a fencing class at our YMCA. It was fun for him to try out and he enjoyed it...but not enough to pursue it further.
If you watch the TV show "Modern Family" then you will understand when I say we are pretty much raising Manny.
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