The preschool had a really cute ceremony for the end of the year. All the kids were up on stage and they sang songs. It was hilarious to see the smaller kids trying so hard to stay still. Colin was a bit restless. Here he is peeking out. He wanted to wear a button down shirt, tie and a green plastic lei.
Here is a shot of all the kids, their teachers, and Mr. Charley, the music teacher, in the middle. Colin is on the left side (one kid right of the lady in black) and Dylan is in a blue shirt on the right side (just right of the lady in peach).
Dylan and his "diploma". I tried to get a picture of him actually receiving it but someone stood up right in front of me as I snapped the picture. I was ticked but a parent reminded me "better that happen now than when he graduates from high school." Thanks for the perspective...he was totally right.
Dylan and Mr. Charley the music teacher. Who, by the way, looks amazingly like (and even has mannerisms similar to) Thomas Kreibich. I actually asked Dylan one day if he thought Mr. Charley looked like Uncle Tom, and he said "You know Mommy, he really does. That is strange!"
Dylan and his teacher, Ms. Megan. She was such a great teacher. Dylan (and we) loved her.
Could he BE any handsomer in that tie. Be still my heart! Congratulations Dylan!!
aww...what a cutie! He looks so proud. Glad he had such a good year.
How exciting!! And what a cutie!! What a fun ending to a good year!!
It is so funny to see Dylan smile. His smile looks exactly the same in all the pictures!
Hi there carrie babest,
I have been trying to get in contact with you in so many ways... no luck so far. hence this message on your blog :-)
Your email does not work anymore??
Are you connected to facebook? I have been trying to find you.
Love penny
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